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Romney turns off fire whistle following complaints

ROMNEY, W.Va. — For now the fire whistle in Romney will not sound between the hours of 10 p.m and 6 a.m.

Romney Fire Chief G.T. Parsons said the decision to silence the whistle was made following complaints and threats of a lawsuit from a citizen. Parsons said instead of using taxpayers’ money to fight the situation they would concede to the situation.

Parsons said he posted an announcement on Facebook in order to make sure the community would be aware of the change. Parsons said with the fire whistle off it will not blow for fire emergencies, tornadoes, flooding or other natural disasters.

“When our natural disaster tone is effected our whistle would activate at night and notify the citizens of Romney but now it won’t,” the chief said. “Once we program it to be out it’s out for everything.”

Parsons said the citizen threatening the lawsuit said the whistle is harming their hearing and creating stress by not being able to anticipate when it will go off. The whistle was moved to its current location eight years ago.

Parsons said a meeting was planned with the Hampshire County prosecuting attorney Thursday in order to get legal advice on the situation.

Parsons said the fire company is entirely volunteer and budgets are tight. He said the whistle has been vital when pagers or phones don’t work to alert firefighters to an emergency call. Parsons said it is important for people to realize when that fire whistle goes off it is because someone is in need of help and they are having the worst day of their lives.

Parsons said he is truly thankful for all the support and they hope to have the situation resolved soon.