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Commentary Archives

FridayJune 24, 2022

Biden’s Bungled Energy Policies

U.S. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm met Thursday with executives from the big oil companies over high gas prices.  Afterward, her office said she challenged the executives to “deliver solutions to ensure (a) secure, affordable supply” of fuel. Oil executives are not foolish. They played it straight by issuing a generic statement about working with policy

ThursdayJune 23, 2022

Patricia Coffman Kercheval, August 19, 1927-June 13, 2022

My mother died Monday morning, June 13… and I was relieved. That sounds awful, and perhaps it is, but the death of a loved one, especially someone suffering from dementia, can hit you like that. My mother was diagnosed four years ago after her increasing confusion about everyday activities became more pronounced. She sold her

SundayJune 12, 2022

Temporary Hiatus

Folks, my commentary is on temporary hiatus.  It will return Thursday, June 23rd. My best, Hop

ThursdayJune 9, 2022

Improved Gun Safety Starts With Red Flag Laws

It is extremely difficult for disparate parties to find agreement on gun control. However, if there is one fundamental belief common to all sides it is that individuals intent on hurting themselves or others should not have access to guns. That is easier said than done, both practically and legally, but “red flag” laws are

WednesdayJune 8, 2022

Gas Tax Holiday Resurfaces

Last March, Governor Justice dismissed the idea of a gas tax holiday. Justice said the Democratic proposal to temporarily suspend the state’s 35.7-cents-per-gallon tax to give motorists a break on their fuel bills was a gimmick. “This is nothing but a political stunt, designed to get their names in the headlines and make me look

TuesdayJune 7, 2022

The Thin Blue Line is Stretched by Violence

Last Friday, Nicholas County Sheriff’s Deputy Tom Baker was shot and killed, and Deputy Josh Ellison was wounded when they responded to a domestic dispute complaint in the Birch River area. One suspect is dead, and another is in custody. As State Police conduct their investigation into the Nicholas County shooting, the murder trial of

MondayJune 6, 2022

Manchin Open To Assault Weapons Ban

Senator Joe Manchin, who once famously fired a bullet into a cap-and-trade climate bill in a political ad, has been moved by the latest gun tragedies to at least keep an open mind about President Biden’s proposal to ban “assault-style” weapons. “I have to be open to a discussion,” Manchin told me. The Democratic Senator

FridayJune 3, 2022

To Arm, or Not to Arm, School Teachers

The murders of 19 students and two teachers in Uvalde, Texas, has renewed the debate over whether to arm schoolteachers. At least 28 states, including Texas, already allow teachers or staff to arm themselves, and neighboring Ohio is about to join that list. The Ohio legislature this week passed and sent to Governor Mike DeWine

ThursdayJune 2, 2022

Jobs, But No Takers

The arrival of Summer in West Virginia typically means an increase in hiring for warm weather industries such as construction and hospitality. However, employers in those fields, as well as businesses in many other sectors of the state’s economy, cannot find workers to fill positions. “We continue to hear that it is nearly impossible to

WednesdayJune 1, 2022

Energy-Rich U.S. Faces Electricity Shortages

One of the many benefits of life in the United States is that there is plenty of energy, meaning you will always have all the electricity you need… except when you don’t. The North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), the non-profit regulatory authority responsible for the grid, has released its 2022 Summer Reliability Assessment and

TuesdayMay 31, 2022

The Other Firearm Mortality Crisis

Earlier this month, Jeremiah Ellis was shot and killed while sitting on a blanket in his grandmother’s apartment in suburban Chicago, just two days after his 9th birthday. Cook County authorities say the boy was shot 11 times. Police have arrested three individuals for what authorities believe was a targeted attack, intended for adults in

FridayMay 27, 2022

Our Eternal Debt

Imagine a debt that can never be fully repaid, an obligation that is so great it’s nearly incomprehensible. Each of us who enjoys the myriad benefits of living in this great country and acknowledges the sacrifice that made it possible must come to terms with that debt. No time is more appropriate for that than

ThursdayMay 26, 2022

Never Again… Until it Happens Again

Our country has suffered yet another unspeakable tragedy.  18-year-old Salvador Ramos, armed with two assault rifles, opened fire at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, killing 19 children and two teachers. President Biden spoke for much of the nation Tuesday night when he said, “I am sick and tired of it.”  Who isn’t?  The Washington

WednesdayMay 25, 2022

Mooney’s Ethics Problems Mount

West Virginia 2nd District Representative Alex Mooney is tangled in an ethical briar patch. The U.S. House of Representatives Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE) has released the results of a sweeping investigation showing Mooney “may have violated House rules, standards of conduct, and federal law.” Here is a quick summary of the most serious findings:

TuesdayMay 24, 2022

Youth Isn’t What it Used to Be

As a member of the over-60 demographic, I have tended to minimize the often-reported struggles of young people.  After all, as they say, isn’t youth wasted on the young? But as I am now learning, maybe youth isn’t what it used to be. A pediatrician friend told me recently that she believes our youth are

MondayMay 23, 2022

The Saban-Fisher Kicks to the Groin

In the movie Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, Butch and Harvey Logan are preparing to fight.  Butch tells Harvey that first they must “get the rules straightened out.” Harvey responds, “Rules? In a knife fight? No rules.” Butch responds by kicking him hard in the groin. Welcome to the college football version of that

FridayMay 13, 2022

West Virginia’s Smooth, Clean Election

Democracy survived another test this week in West Virginia. That is worth noting, since the integrity of our elections in the country has been under assault since 2020. The latest trumped up grievance about the last presidential election comes from Dinesh D’Souza’s new “documentary” 2000 Mules. The film claims that geo-location data of cellphones show

ThursdayMay 12, 2022

What the Mooney Win Means

Political movements are defined as much, if not more, by who leads them, as opposed to issues that the movement embraces. For West Virginia Republicans, former President Donald Trump remains the titular head. Trump’s 2020 loss did not end his influence. He has continued his campaign based, in part, on the false grievance of a

TuesdayMay 10, 2022

Primary Election Day News and Notes

Good morning, and Happy Primary Election Day!  Here are some last-minute observations about the election: –Secretary of State Mac Warner is advising voters to check their polling place before heading out today. “This election will be the first election held after the legislature and counties redesigned the political districts and precinct boundaries due to the

MondayMay 9, 2022

Mooney Campaign Defies the Conventional Wisdom

When redistricting cast Republican Congressmen David McKinley and Alex Mooney against each other in the new 2nd district, my first thought was McKinley had the advantage. Every county he had been representing except one was in the new district.  His reputation for working across party lines and serving the district gave him strong local ties.